Worn teeth or chipped teeth can be expertly restored at Park Place Dental. Our team led by Mark Hill, are highly trained to treat the growing problem of tooth wear throughout Wales, the UK and Ireland. Mark is an expert in restorative dentistry and has trained internationally and lectures in the treatment of Tooth Wear
Many of us are keeping our teeth for longer and hence are complaining that our teeth appear to be worn. This is a normal process throughout life but can impact on how our teeth look, feel and function.
Below is an example of a lady who chipped and wore her two front teeth – Mark restored the teeth with cosmetic bonded fillings.
However, several factors contribute to the abnormal or premature wearing and ageing of our teeth. These include:
- lifestyle factors e.g. acid foods and drinks or brushing habits,
- excessive loading of teeth e.g. grinding teeth or early loss of other teeth
- medical conditions e.g. gastric reflux, heartburn, eating disorders (anorexia/bulimia), salivary gland disorders,
- certain medications – those that are acidic e.g. Vitamin C tablets or those that reduce the flow of saliva and cause a dry mouth e.g. certain antidepressants.
The causes of tooth wear can be numerous and a detailed oral health assessment will enable the causes to be identified early and preventative measures put in place. This, in turn, will limit the possible damage and the need for restorative dental procedures.Any of the following may indicate that you have a problem:
- regular or repeated broken fillings, particularly if canine teeth are worn
- sensitive teeth to hot/cold
- visual thinning or chipping of the teeth
- persistent dry mouth
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